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Showing posts from 2020

Into The Woods

Into The Woods 2016 Murray Bridge Players & Singers Production In 2016 I joined the Murray Bridge Players and Singers as part of the costume team. This was my very first time making costumes for amateur musical theatre. Unlike making ready to wear cloths costumes often require you to think outside the box in terms of construction and closures. Actors sometimes have very little time to change and using closures in places you wouldn’t normally to facilitate this is necessary. I was given the ugly step sisters and the step mother to costume. The director wanted pantaloons, a white corset, white chemise, decorative over corset and a covered hoop skirt. Each character would have their own colour scheme. Step mother played by Joanne Ahrens was black and gold, Lucinda played by Rebecca Netherway was pink and Florinda played by Lauren Gibbs was purple. CHEMISE For the chemise I used Simplicity pattern 9966 with very short sleeves. I made them from a white georgette with ...
Gothic Queen of Hearts “Alice in Wonderland” Youth Theatre Murray Bridge Players and Singers 2018 Concept drawing created on Prêt-à-template I volunteer my sewing skills for an amateur Theatre group. They have stage a production once or twice a year. For the second half of 2018 the Youth Theatre staged an adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic story of "Alice in Wonderland". The Director of the play oversees the set design and costumes as well as directing the play. This director was also part of the youth theatre herself at only 16. She requested a Queen of Hearts costume with a pants suit and a high low jacket with large collar instead of a more tradition dress.  The above drawing is my submission for the costume. Some changes were made during the construction process to suit the actors proportions and the need to walk up stairs and sit. Pattern For this project I used McCall’s 7641 as the base for my jacket.  Kwik Sew stirrup pants patter...